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HRM Review Magazine:
Advantage India: Employment Opportunities and Challenges



Job-centric growth and employment generation are more often discussed as important issues in various forums in recent times. An attempt is made here to discuss the employment opportunities and challenges in the context of world economic downturn and eurozone crisis. India is looked upon as a powerhouse by the world, which expects her to take up a leadership role. Further, the advantages of brain gain, talent pool, availability of demographic dividend, and the positive factors available to boost up the manufacturing sector and provide employment opportunities to achieve inclusive growth are also discussed.


The issue of investment and employment opportunities and challenges is always a subject matter of discussion and debate among the stakeholders interested in Indian economy. It generates inquisitiveness and sometimes acrimony between the parties supporting and the parties opposing the Indian economic policies. All said and done, Indian economy has become the center of attraction to the world economic community. India is recognized as a powerhouse and the world expects her to take up a leadership role in the future turbulent and uncertain economic environment. At the same time, India faces several challenges on the home front in the area of employment generation, particularly linking investments with livelihoods. A few factors that are central and crucial to the subject have been discussed in brief as under.


HRM Review Magazine, Action Research, Organizational Development, Mutual Management, Organizational Change Techniques, Statistical Analysis Techniques, Intervention Process, Management Structures, Rational Social Management, Refreezing, Client Organization, Organizational Culture.